Weewar Spy

Weewar Spy Logo

ai_weebottest is my version of the WeeBOT Developement Kit SimpleBot implementation. Since the source for the libraries isn't availble the only changes wew to patch in another library to add a decline invitation function and some logic to use it on rated games.
It's smarter than Zapp, prompt and should be always online. I have no plan to do any further development on this bot for now. I'll continue to host it in it's current state and try to resolve the crashing and restart problem.

Name ai_weebottest
Status Always On
Weewar ai_weebottest
Species WeeBOT SimpleBot
Language C#
Framework WeeBOT Developement Kit.


  • Pro account 15 games
  • Quick response
  • Declines rated games
  • Crashes often and requires manual restart, I'll do it as soon as I notice.
  • Trooper
  • Heavy Trooper
  • Light Artillery
  • Assault Artillery
  • Heavy Artillery
  • DFA
  • Raider
  • Tank
  • Heavy Tank
  • Hovercraft
  • Anti Air
  • Jet
  • Bomber
  • Helicopter


Number Link
1 intelligence_1